Our memberships

Zentiva is a proud member of Medicines for Europe.

Medicines for Europe represents the pharmaceutical companies supplying the largest share of medicines across Europe and is the voice of the generic, biosimilar and value added industries. As a leading partner for better healthcare, we aim to increase the health and wellbeing of all Europeans through better access to high quality medicines. Medicines for Europe members’ portfolio cover 80% of therapy areas, and in so doing, safeguards the sustainability of Europe’s healthcare systems for future generations.

We are attracted by the purpose and sharing the values of the association. This is why we are actively contributing as member of the executive team, the board and as participants in several committees to reach the overall objectives. At Zentiva, we apply the Code of Conduct that ensures ethical marketing practices in our Industry.

In many countries our affiliates are as well member of the local generics associations.

We do not make any contributions to and spendings for political campaigns, political organizations, lobbyists or tax-exempt entities or any other groups whose role is to influence political campaigns.

Thus, Zentiva confirms, that we did not provide any contribution for political purposes (political contributions) in the FY 2022.

Zentiva’s sustainability initiatives emphasize environmental and social responsibility, with a strong focus on partnerships and collaboration. We extend our commitment beyond internal operations, working with suppliers, customers, and communities to foster a better future. By integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business, we ensure our partnerships align with our values and contribute to shared goals, creating lasting, positive impacts. For more details, explore Our Partnerships and Commitments to Sustainability.